
Is it?

What is a compliment?

1) an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration
2) a formal act or expression of civility, respect, or regard
3) compliments, a courteous greeting; good wishes; regards
4) Archaic. a gift; present.

And too much of these will surely annoy you or even better, drive you crazy. I like receiving compliments, to tell the truth. Most of them will put a smile on my face or even a grin, if you're lucky. But, those over the top ones are just out of my list. Agree, no? I'm having a hard life putting up with all of the unexplainable shits. Yes, I am. A helping hand, please?

And God! I envy all those end-of-year pictures that the sVians are uploading. Made me miss my old days and those fun, with those friends. The true and real friends, that I could trust and talk with. Yes, them.

Today, it's History and Civic. So, bye for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did i tell you i've changed my url?

feel free to leave me a cmmnt

heee :-D