
The traveling journal

Because you just have to see it to believe it!

Main reason: To be 5 people who share 1 interest. The interest? This journal. Every one of us, we're different. A good sort of different. We have our own beat and we dance to it in our own way. With our differences, we're misfits that fit :D We might be speaking about complications of the heart, the journey of growing up, some fabulous topics (sometimes), being individuals in a sea of clones and any topic we can think of in the future. So here we are: The Traveling Journal. Please like us! We're very likable ;)
Enjoy our journal! Starts on 01/01/09, from Monday to Friday, everyday! (Am I doing some sort of a commercial here?)

The 5 girls: me, Mei, Khadijah, Zara and Esah.

Have fun stalking us every weekdays. And not to forget, I'm on Thursdays!

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