
Lucky number 7.

Hey there.

I seriously miss doing a well proper posts. I failed on every single posts that I was trying to key-in and all of them faulty went straight to the bin. Blame thy non-productive brain for the shitty posts lately. The confused and cluttered spirits have taken over me for the past few days. Okay, scratch that.

Nurses invaded my school with their lethal weapons, the needles yesterday. I had a shot that lead me to a tiresome self plus an aching left hand and high body temperature at night. Plus the throbbing headache, which sent me to the land of the dizziness. I could not even have my beauty sleep. How typically sad is that? I totally envy them lot who didn't even get any side effects. :-(

My form teacher shoved my class's mid-year results in our face today. My marks were atrocious and shitty, as usual. Yuh avvy failure is back. And yet, I maintained my result position in class, it was the same as the previous exam. It was a.. surprise? I still got my lucky number 7! Lucky.. lucky.. number 7.

My lads are calling me again, y'got that right! I'm into my avid lads now. Okay. I can solemnly swear that I am 100% weird for calling them killer books lads.. Flee from me! Ha!

#I can taste Galaxy chocolate out of nowhere.

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