
Traffic in the head.

The lappy is putting my mood off-- it's being shitty all over again. (Sigh)

The exams were aceee! Not. I've been dreading myself for the whole week, which amazingly stressed me out. But yeah, that's what y'call exams. Oh how I wish I have a hamster to chew on -_- It was that awful yo!

Hersheys kisses had brighten me up a bit though. :-) My dear mother just came back from Langkawi, so going home empty handed is so not cool. Chocolates are in the in-list for the things-we-have-to-have-for-trials. And she came back with a well pricey Clinique face thingymajig for me aswell. And Asma was trying to make a joke saying, if that thing doesn't work, other treatment won't work neither. Pffft.

TRIALS = pretty much shitty = aint good = sayonara my dear companion, le phone.

Nevertheless, chocolates turned the frown upside down! I remembered scribbling about some chemicals that the brain releases.. endorphins during English. Okay, lameeeee. Now, you may proceed the next step which is clicking the God-damn red cross on the top right of your screen.

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