
A dashing oxymoron

The rain is pouring outside the translucent window, covered in dust and unwanted organisms. A glance of the weather outside would not erase my frown and reversibly change my lips. I had once fell in love with the rain, it made me happy. I felt ever so elegant in the rain and I could be in the rain until I drop dead. Soaked hair, soaked shirt, soaked jeans, the enjoyments of being in the rain. The warmth inside my body escapes as the cold enters. Standing still. Alone. I had never felt alone while I was in the rain. The rain accompanies me, such a lovely friend it is. But, in the end the rain will return a negative feedback:- The fever. Yes, fever. Which I loathe a lot. Well, every positives has it negatives? Correct me if I'm wrong.


Anonymous said...

u can be magazine editor someday.
the pic u put suited yr posts well

Aisyah Hamid said...

Oh I wish!