What could be more pleasant than a purple tattoo like burnt mark on your arm that perfectly blends in with the colour of your school uniform?
Well, everything.
I'll be starting with heap loads of whines because that's how I groove. Chemistry and Physics made me silent through out the day, it was that horrid because them people know me as the one that wouldn't shut up. 3 more papers to go though. Physics Paper 3, Civic and PE. I'll be chillin' out soon after those papers are collected safely and waiting to be marked using THE RED PEN. I'm just outta idea of what to bitch about, really.
Probably I'm not.
My weekends were holy shit type of amazing. I once again recruited with my fellow sVian scouts which I haven't talked/seen/laughed with ever since the 08'. Giddy yeah. The word that describes me perfectly on Sunday. Aisyah's giddiness will always be missed. Perasan. 24 scouts of sVian marched their way to Pavilion for the World Milk Day. We were actually there to drink milk at the same time so we would be in Malaysia's Book of Records. Yes, that was our main purpose to attend the event. But I was there for my lovely mates ♥ You can choke me if it seems that I'm trying to act all sweet. The thing is.. I am. Ha-ha! Khadijah & I screamed and shrieked the whole way through because we're cool like that. Nah. Just being supportive, weren't we Kat?
After the whole event ended, we were forced to get our ass back in the bus.. back to school. Had to kiss Pavilion goodbye, I didn't get to spend my ka-chings! (Insert a very, very long sigh) Never mind that. We were dropped in front of Carrefour near our school. Let me emphasize on that our. Stuffed our empty tummy at McD, crowded the food court, made long-lasting noises and etc.
Can't be asked to be elaborative today. I'm still devastated.