
Approaching The New.

"Saying hello takes a second, saying goodbye may take forever."- Jaafang.

A-ha! A few hours left till I will be forced to leave my darling Macbook and leave this 3rd floor and leave BRP to fly off to Langkawi and hopefully have the time of my life. I suck at saying goodbyes. I can't even formulate a simple goodbye speech. I suck big time. And I should be cuddled up in bed by now. Breaking my own law is good.

I won't really update this blog daily, as if I do previously.. But yeah, once a while. So stay tune with my Twitter. Thats probably the only thing I can keep you guys update with my life.

Okay. Goodbye!



Way beyond awesome.


Kick-ass Things.

Sunway Pyramid. Ice Skating. Carls Jr. Presents/cards. Ice-cream.

A day out with the best lads and lasses was all I need in order to maintain my hype before entering the Tombs of Doom, as my friends call em'. Carpooled there because we are energy-efficient loathes pollution tree hugger. Not. Arrived. Sprinted to the rink's till because the urge to make my legs ache at the end of the day have kept tripling. Ice skating is down-right awesome if you're with your clan or else you'll just be that ugly duckling that is caged. -Inner joke- I skated with Lara most of the time, latest/breaking news and confessions splurged. And the best news yet is I didn't get my ass wet/tumble/embarrass myself at all. Applause for yours truly. My mood totally disheveled as somebody tries to make a grand entrance after I made my way out. I take my words back, It wasn't grand at all. It was content with constant nag and annoyance. That, trashed my mood down to the earth's core. No offense. I, instead dragged myself to Carls Jr with the most artificial grin ever. Grabbed a calories/fat-loaded burger which was beyond doubt luscious. Jokes, laughs and the odd statements filled lunch, I was happy again. Thank you girls! My girls and I spent the rest of the day roaming Sunway Pyramid. The joy ended as my fellow comrades said their last goodbyes, as if I'm not gonna see them again. I dropped a tear or two.. or more. I swear it was gushing out of my eyes unintentionally. I was emotionally happy.

Thank you all for the memorable day! Lotsa' love from Aisyah ♥

Picture Spam ahead!

Excuse the crappy quality.

Epic Things.

I'm actually lazy to post anything up, but this is for the brova.


Kebabs + Muaz.


The Wind and I.


In the comfy bed with the aircond on full blast, cuddling under the duvet, window panels opened widely, the sea breeze entering with no limit, the sound of the waves crashing the sand softly, the sound of the birds chirping on the roof tiles, the sound of me burping due to the scrumptious breakfast, I kid!

Guess where I am?

Right in front of the beach.. duh.

Today is my last day in Cherating, I had an undeniably awesome time at the beach, just the beach. It's clean and pretty. Period. And I think I've put on weight after losing 1kg. Not fun.


The Ace Pesterer.

Birthday's in July, I'm 101% sure I won't be home to celebrate it. So I'm gonna be bloody demanding by listing them things I've been lusting for ever since 2007.

i) Holga K200 Fisheye! or Fisheyes 2!

I have been wanting a lomo camera ever since 2007. I just didn't have the guts to splurge out my ka-chingz on this beauty. You can get em' here, wink Pa.

ii) Nike kicks to bring to MJSC, aint being too specific 'cos I'm nice like that.

iii) iPod? But eh, can't bring em' there. MP3 will do.

S'i vous plait et merci beacoup!


Some news have given me a kick in the ass and is just waiting for me to fall face-to-earth. And one had just enthralled me ever since Thursday. Good news first, shall we? I've surprisingly been enrolled in MJSC Langkawi after 6 months of much-loaded anticipation and mutating into a sloth. Dadster texted me in school which left me muted for several seconds and then, thats when all my fussiness began. Typical Aisyah arose from the dead and started to buzz about it. Typical, typical, me.

I'll be fully geared up for it on the 21st June, InsyaAllah.



Final day of schooling in SMKBRP.



Because I nicked your moo-lah.

What could be more pleasant than a purple tattoo like burnt mark on your arm that perfectly blends in with the colour of your school uniform?

Well, everything.

I'll be starting with heap loads of whines because that's how I groove. Chemistry and Physics made me silent through out the day, it was that horrid because them people know me as the one that wouldn't shut up. 3 more papers to go though. Physics Paper 3, Civic and PE. I'll be chillin' out soon after those papers are collected safely and waiting to be marked using THE RED PEN. I'm just outta idea of what to bitch about, really.

Probably I'm not.

My weekends were holy shit type of amazing. I once again recruited with my fellow sVian scouts which I haven't talked/seen/laughed with ever since the 08'. Giddy yeah. The word that describes me perfectly on Sunday. Aisyah's giddiness will always be missed. Perasan. 24 scouts of sVian marched their way to Pavilion for the World Milk Day. We were actually there to drink milk at the same time so we would be in Malaysia's Book of Records. Yes, that was our main purpose to attend the event. But I was there for my lovely mates ♥ You can choke me if it seems that I'm trying to act all sweet. The thing is.. I am. Ha-ha! Khadijah & I screamed and shrieked the whole way through because we're cool like that. Nah. Just being supportive, weren't we Kat?

After the whole event ended, we were forced to get our ass back in the bus.. back to school. Had to kiss Pavilion goodbye, I didn't get to spend my ka-chings! (Insert a very, very long sigh) Never mind that. We were dropped in front of Carrefour near our school. Let me emphasize on that our. Stuffed our empty tummy at McD, crowded the food court, made long-lasting noises and etc.

Can't be asked to be elaborative today. I'm still devastated.