Holy Blog Of Doom, Batman! I just got slapped with a wet salmon (really). I have not updated this since people stopped clapping and Tinkerbell died... You would not believe how much more of a drama I could make that. I hope they bring chocolate!
I am flat out like a lizard drinking with discovering time doesn't stand still, choosing my retirement village, just generally being a Darling to anyone unfortunate to cross my path, my day seems to be a litany of stuff and giggles from the first cockadoodledoo from the rooster to I see my darling's 10000 text messages. I am convinced that I absolutely deserve this after all my hard work. life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.
I solemnly swear I will update you with my nefarious activities as soon as I get a chance. Promise! I will write more to certain yous; but it might not be you in particular who I write to.
Man, I just love these