
Birthdays are awesome.


I have a few more minutes.. hours.. only God knows left before going to Langkawi to 'see' Hakim. Well, Imma talk a bit about today. Iman's 16th Birthday, it's pretty obvi. School had been typically typical as per usual. Heavy headed moments which lead me to a few minutes nap before the girl on my right start to startle me for no definite reason. Probably she's jealous because I get to sleep and the teachers doesn't give a damn and shit. Moving on.. Extra-curiculum. I had a debate and I screwed up. I ended up quitting the team. It's pretty easy really. You screw up, you're outta the team. Way to go Aisyah! One of the society organized a talentine, I didn't have a chance to catch a glimpse of it (Blames it on debate), hopefully my mate's singing were recorded because I have this urge to watch them screw up like I did. Joke! Secret Recipe's cheesecake was the main menu at McD, we kinda celebrated Iman's birthday there. One word, fun :-) The best people I have in BRP were there. Goofed around and messed about. Yeah, that was about it.

Love like today.



Happy 18th Birthday Sadiq Jamil!
I somehow enjoy writing people's age, it makes them feel old and me feel young. Ha-ha! Evil thoughts ahead. ...Nah, I'm feeling nice tonight.

Today was.. one word, awesome. Even though my fever kicked in at the wrong time and I was PMS-ing.. Overall, it was good. Well, practically better than good. (Insert an unstoppable amount of winks)

Tell me.. What does he look like?



Feeling dreadful lately. Throbbing headaches. Endless uneasy mornings and nights. A table full of unfinished work. A bed that chants my name every time I try to complete them. Confused mind. Tired mind, body and soul.

This blog will be full of complaints and useless whines after this.




Scorching heat that burns my skin thoroughly, yes! 2 toned skin that leaves me a mud-facial-like mask, double yes! Sweating like River Thames, triple yes! K gotta quit it.

The angst and I.

Life's been below par. Them excruciating mind-twisting paragraphed speeches nearly tipped my heavy loaded head off the cliff. That would be fun though. Falling off a 777m above sea level cliff, falling elegantly waiting for the hunky Edward to embrace his heroism and save me in a heavenly manner.. (Uh, pause. No. Not Edward. Si vous plait, no.) It'll be a fast-motion fall for Luke Pasqualino though! Unnecessary fragment of the state of mind. But hey, I swear to God he is.. irresistible. Evidence:- Click, or regret. Stop. Stop. Stop.

I'd love to live on an archipelago..

Continue-- last night's chocolate cake baked by yours truly has been attacked by mes amis and that's a good thing, I can barely finish half of it by myself. What else? Mhm.. I've magically transformed myself into a Facebook addict. And no, not a good news. + Ditching homework and revisions are in the current state of the union. What the hell is happening to me. No more angelic lil' Miss Aisyah. One last thing before I proceed the 'Publish Post' button, there aint no barney in the class now. Let me get a wut, wut! Some lassies and lads been repeating a non-rational phrase though. What is life without these people?


A fake letter to thou.

An attempt to somehow get my jigsawed self into a non-Aisyah Hamid worthy place (MRSM) failed once again. I'd insert more irksome adjectives but I'm in no mood to do so. And I have to stop whining.. even though it's been pulling and anchoring me down since February, the first intake. Just not my luck, once again? Now, to 98% calm myself.. Please let me spend something without the 'No, you'll be going to MRSM. You can't have them there.' Thx.


Let the wind be the wind.

Let me be all giddy now.

Want me to key-in everything that occur today? Heh, easy. I stepped into school in the barney-like costume, like the other usual days. Alicia suddenly approached and startled me even though she is a size of a skittle. 'Your baju terkoyak', she said. And I was like, SAY WHA? 'April fool!' K aint funny at all. The phrase/word 'April Fool' conquered the whole day. Every hour consists of a non-berlesquing-worthy jokes and pranks except for the ones in the library. It was epicly side-splitting for no definite reason. I'm a saddo like that. A 5 mins nap during History didn't really put a grin on the face, instead, I left the class with a fully clenched tummy. Not a good sight. Let's skip the little things. Lunch at McD was good likewise. Fries + Ice-cream sundae, nothing can go wrong with those two when they end up in your mouth. English Society was surprisingly rad. Continuing fairytales made by yours truly with the other members of the society was funny. The outcomes of the fairytales were pretty awesome. When great minds intertwine, a masterpiece is created. I wish.

Welcome once again to Aisyah's dull life.


Things have been complicated lately. Atrocious results. Unwanted events. Bad news, loads of them. Can't really elaborate much because the blogging mode had been switched off for a quite sometime.
