
Let the wind be the wind.

Let me be all giddy now.

Want me to key-in everything that occur today? Heh, easy. I stepped into school in the barney-like costume, like the other usual days. Alicia suddenly approached and startled me even though she is a size of a skittle. 'Your baju terkoyak', she said. And I was like, SAY WHA? 'April fool!' K aint funny at all. The phrase/word 'April Fool' conquered the whole day. Every hour consists of a non-berlesquing-worthy jokes and pranks except for the ones in the library. It was epicly side-splitting for no definite reason. I'm a saddo like that. A 5 mins nap during History didn't really put a grin on the face, instead, I left the class with a fully clenched tummy. Not a good sight. Let's skip the little things. Lunch at McD was good likewise. Fries + Ice-cream sundae, nothing can go wrong with those two when they end up in your mouth. English Society was surprisingly rad. Continuing fairytales made by yours truly with the other members of the society was funny. The outcomes of the fairytales were pretty awesome. When great minds intertwine, a masterpiece is created. I wish.

Welcome once again to Aisyah's dull life.

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