

I haven't updated this space ever since Cadbury was no longer one of my favourites. Which is pretty much recently. Anyways, I'll be away starting from tomorrow till Wednesday. I'll be embarrassing myself in front of the public in the IIUM Interschool Debate thingymajig. And, first of all, I don't know how to even start a debate. Even better, how to debate. Second of all, I'm not sure what I'll be doing there. Thirdly, I have no idea what I am going to get, well maybe I do, experiences and such? Fourthly, I'll be a corpse on Sunday because I said so. Fifthly, would somebody rescue me if I need help? And last but not least, if I am actually going to say something.. I'll be running faster than a cheetah chasing after its prey. (Collapse completely)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yr english is good enough for a debate..supposedly.
try browsing on yotube, ah perhaps can privately email me yr doubts for me to get a clearer picture of yr problems. (coz I've the text and bla bla bla shit)