
Rama lama lama, ke-dinga de dinga a dong.

My mind flew into a somewhat weird whirlpool for the past few days. That explains the unexpectable blues I've been covered with. But, the hype is back on! I swear.

Y'know what's the best thing to have when you're in a state where.. you don't know what to do? CHOCOLATE. Right, just killed it.

1 week is all I have to complete everything that are crucially a mind killer at this time of second, minute, hour, day, week.. Homeworks, projects and thingymajigs. I just gotta get over and done with it. The latter, I can't wait for! (Picturing me, with skates on the ice-cold ice and with the imbalance self, acting out a scene from Shrek with my Kakaks.) Uh'huh.. Ignore.

Backpacking anywhere wouldn't be in my schedule for the hols though, my body will be locked inside this house (partially-locked). But you'll prolly catch a glimpse of me skipping around like an ill-hobo in Wangsa Maju or BRP with at least something to eat in hand if you're that lucky. 'Cos stuffing myself during these holy days (it's an IN thing) is a must and it's the time where you can just do anything you want-- well, not exactly anything. But y'get the idea.

I'm so disorganized lately. Blame.. the numerous amount of work intake by yours truly from the wondrous teachers of le school. You just can't ask for more. Plus the daily stuffing of add maths nearly drove me to Detroit (sings Welcome To Detroit City), I'm no good with numbers and letters, both.. fused together equals to a complete confusion. (Example; me-- lost in the World-Most-Amazing maze) But.. Practice, practice, practice, is all I need. I hope. I don't wanna end up being a sore loser that couldn't ace such a subject.

Moving on. Being an awesome co-President of the Scouts like always (not), I made an oath and promised to at least organize a camp for the fellow members. With no experience of being the camp leader whatsoever, I'll strive to make it happen 'cos to be honest, the scouts club in my school had been such a bore. No camps. No activities. No nothing. It all adds up to a.. 0.

I think that's enough for today.

PS/ In dire need of more Hersheys.

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