
Sleep well tonight

Waking up late is just not my cup of tea. But, I accidentally did not set the alarm. (Maybe I've done it on purpose, heck!)

Tomorrow, I'll be the barney again. Fully dressed in purple, waiting for the school to change the uniform for the PRS (Pemimpin Rakan Sebaya). Because I've been dying in the costume for 2-3 months last year. I wish they just have the God-damn tag for us instead of the eye-catching colour which alerts people from sleep. I'll be a junior once again, after a while enjoying being the senior of afternoon session. I didn't really enjoy it at SMKBRP because it was nothing.

I wonder if some people have changed a lot during the holidays. Because I know that if they did changed a helluva lot, it will seem like we're dealing with a whole new anonymous. But I know that I have changed, maybe a wee bit.

So tomorrow, I'll be in Form 3. Which means PMR is laying ahead of me and I'm waiting to get done with it. I guess, no more daily continuous Internet usage. Which sucks a lot. Because I could hardly live a day without the darling Internet "cos Imma sad and geeky like that yo'!" Nah not really. Exaggerated. But yeah, I won't be online pretty much. I hope.

It's time to return to the books!