
Rain, rain come again.

I solemnly swear that I am cutting down on chocolate. LOL. Nevaaaaaaah.

Ditched classes today due to the photography sessions which kept on postponing every single minute. I ended up wagging PE and KH with Ashy Shellybelly Faghag, we don't even learn, so what's the point. Went all giddy and hyped up after the short dream excursions on le darling table. Soaked myself with rain, I miss drenching myself avec mes amis outside the class and singing along to some random songs. And doing whatsoever like it aint anybody's business. Boleh jadi gila tujuh macam. Well, that's Aisyah Hamid. Peace yo'!


Anonymous said...

3v3rY T1m3 i R3aD Ur BloG,U aLway$ CKp N4k st0p m4K4n cHoCs!!!

Anonymous said...

aisyah u know this fellow?

Aisyah Hamid said...

Anonymous: YES, LOL.
Hiqmal: I have no ideaaaz.