
Hey, ho, let's go!

The best pleasure in your life is when you have chocolates in both hands.

Ever had a day where you just felt like cuddling up under your duvet till the next morning or just sitting down on a truly comfy chair and then super gluing your eyes on to the laptop screen for the whole forsaken day? If yes, you must be (insert a word).

I kept having the same track on repeat for the whole morning.. I think I'm going insane. Maybe, I already am. But please, don't flee from me. I'm still the nice old Aisyah. I hope. The daily tasks have been accomplished, I think. Cooking, cleaning up the crib, sitting like a sloth in front of the laptop, cleaning up Muaz, eating Vanilla ice cream + Hershey chocolate syrup, drowning into the dreamland. K I don't need to list them all down. Or you guys will probably click the irresistible red X up there. The day us 15s have been waiting for are just around the corner. I don't know how I should be feeling. Scared? Nervous? Happy? Giddy?


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